First Look: Suisei no Gargantia

Year: 2013 | Directed by Kazuya Murata | Written by Gen Urobuchi
| Studio: Production I.G. |

I am not one to speak eloquently about the technicalities of a mecha anime for I have no heads for it, despite the fact that I am a fan of Evangelion through and through. Regardless of those technobabbles in the first few minutes it doesn't take away the fact that I enjoyed Gargantia's premiere episode in its entirety. Once the setting of the anime moved into planet Earth the story has become more engaging - I was hooked right off the bat. The plot of Suisei no Gargantia is still something of a wonder to me, considering that it is written by Gen Urobuchi who is synonymous for killing his characters; we could only speculate if he would follow his same-old routine or if he could surprise us by pulling a new trick. So far, Suisei no Gargantia is off to a really good start. A cliffhanger was left to be pondered for next week and the relationship of the characters are yet to be established. For now, I'll just go with the flow and enjoy the ride - in Production I.G. we trust.

xoxo, Chin

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